
evie’s at home newborn session

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This little girl has THE BEST farm to grow up on EVER and in the prettiest farm house! I am a little jealous to be honest, ok a LOT jealous. Their property is just gorgeous!. Driving up through their tree lined driveway and passing the pond with all the cows, I was just in heaven. I have always wanted to live on a farm, haven’t we all?!

Another fun fact, mom actually grew up down the street from where we currently live! And she didn’t even know that when she booked her session. It’s so fun when your paths cross like that.

Mom chose to have her hair and make up done by Krista. I always suggest moms do this for their photos. You’ve just had a baby and you need to be pampered!! I snapped photos of her precious nursery while Krista put the finishing touches on mom, then we were ready to take pictures!

I could have taken pictures in every single room, but we chose to stay in the nursery and master bedroom. I love how wide awake she was so I could capture her big beautiful eyes.

After our session they gracious gave our family some of their beef from their farm and it was DELICIOUS!! If you want super fresh beef, check out Newbold Farms.

A few months later, mom and Evie came to the studio for my annual Motherhood Event, so I had to add these to the blog post to show you how much she has grown!

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